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This and Rule34 Browser could probably have been one app

does anyone have the file they can give me for the modded version? I cant downloaded due the github error 404 even with a vpn


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How do I use it or what do I do? i get that 

You don't have the permission to View this Page.


You are trying to log in from a region where this site is not available, use VPN for PC.


Is there a video or something?


How does this work?


Ok how can I use it?

(1 edit)

setup fails each time

Most likely the installer thinks that the program is already installed, I came across such a problem, in order to fix it you must first completely remove this application from the system.

Doesn't work :/


Modded version link isn't working. It seems it was deleted.


I downloaded the latest program, but it still doesn't work


what do i do when it says i dont have permission to view this pag


Will You Ever Make A Mac Version

You may want to change that from to

I’m not sure if its just me but I’ve been trying but it doesn’t work not even the modded one dose it just comes up with undefined so I cant get any thing

Deleted 232 days ago


Deleted 232 days ago

its not really the biggest problem i can just use webs and pirate them so its all good. thx tho.

(1 edit) (+1)

it seems as if nhentai have figured out what youre doing and is blocking access


Deleted 232 days ago

You cant close tabs with this one

Deleted 232 days ago
(1 edit)

I figured it out. Windows was blocking it from making changes, and for some reason that was making it so that I could close tabs. Once I allowed it to make changes I was able to close tabs. Hopefully this fixes my other problem too

Need a feature of change the size of the comic on webpages.

hey, I know I've already been here for the same reason like 4 months ago but  I think xcomic downloader is bugged again with the same bug where tags dont work. I know you've said that the code is very messy and its really hard for you to develop any more. The thing that i want to aks you: what plans do you have for X comic downloader for the future? For my experience this is the best nsfw comic app that i've found and it would be kinda sad to see it dies like this. Maybe you can make an app with rule 34 browser and x comic downloader in the same app and at the same time, They are both very very very good and having them in the same app would be awsome. Sorry for my bad english, I am italian and I am still studying. Just one thing, don't let it die please :') 

well, damn, First of all thank you for sweat comment :)

Second, I planned to make new version of X Comic Downloader but I didn't start yet, because of my Country is kind of ban from every thing right now! and Internet is one of them sadly so Testing App is very hard right now but when thing get better I will start developing it as fast as possible. sorry again for what is happening to the App.

Don't worry, really, no problem ; )

is it just me who has recently had issues with searching not working? nothing shows up when i search on xlec

contem virus?


i know that you are not updating this anymore, but the nhentai site is not working.

Deleted 358 days ago

Why did my installation stop?


please add Multporn

Deleted 232 days ago

thanks man

Would you mind adding to the connections?


X Comic Downloader Development is canceled and in future, I may create new version that have much much more ability like Rule34 Browser.

Please Add A Linux Version

Or Android

Can I add comics to this that I already have. Put pics in a folder and read it in your app

sorry but no, you may can change other comics pics but adding a new one need to be write in database and its not available in-app right now.

sorry again.

You have an Export option. Would like an Import as well. But I Guess I can just butcher one that I don't read

PLEASE make a apple ver

can you make a android version


sorry but no

It is a very good app but it can be fixed in a lot of ways. For example, nhentai doesn't work at all; Xelcx worked just fine but know when I select a tag  from the menu on the left ( example yuri ) it doesn't show me the latest comics but it mixes all up, on the frist page you can find some comics but if you reload the page you will see other comics and so on. It will be nice to have all organized by relase date. One more thing, the all tags menu don't work anymore, the tags don't show up anything.

I hope this helped to find some bugs

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I may fix it, you know I'm working on Rule34 Browser cause I made it after X Comic with more experience and manage its code to make development much much easier than X Comic, X Comic code is very messy and its really hard for me to develop any more. I may create new app like X Comic with much more ability and sites but its gonna take time.

Sorry about it, but you can enjoy world of rule34 on Rule34 Browser app till I release new app like X Comic.

Thank you, I appreciate it. 

It just says when i try to open it how do i fix it. Startup->CreateDatabase->Err: SyntaxError: C:\Users\\Documents\X Comic Downloader\ComicsDB/index.lowdb: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0


Maybe when database was saving your pc shut downed or lights go off, and database crashed.

thank you

redownloaded it still wont work 👽👽👽

I'm having the issue of downloading it but as I go to install the exe it says it's been removed.

I didn't understand, if you mean you download the Installation File (.exe file), and when you click on it it in windows explorer it said it's been removed, well that is kind of impossible, :D, Maybe redownloading it from this site will fix the issue.

I can't find the have list, please help me

its not findable, its just for remembering that have another version of that comic so you don't download it again.

I see. thank you

It isn't entering NHentai

I know, I have some problem to solve after that I will fix it, sorry.

now the comics that I download are always coming with blank pages and when I select to download again it isn't working

brah I said its a problem and I will fix it when I have time. why you redownload? :D Connection between app and site is broken, I have to fix it, which I am not sure even it is possible or not.

No, I haven't unnistaled the app, I was downloading some comics in the other site but it was coming with blank pages

who said you have uninstalled the APP ? :/, On Other site (xlecx) some comics don't have any image they are just blank, I cannot do anything about it its the problem of the site not me :)

I need this on fuckin android bro plsss

(1 edit)

as I said to you on Rule34 Browser I will try ;)

I have the issue "Server is unavailable at this Time", if i click nhentai browser, for any days. There are a solution to solve this. qwq

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Try to open is browser after that open it in X Comic Downloader it may fix it, just maybe

It didn't work. :/


I'm having the same problem and that didn't work for me too! :(

I am really sorry for what happened, But I cannot fix it right now, I change house and I don't have access to WiFi. It take some time to change my old phone to new house for WiFi, without it I don't have good connection to test the App, with my phone internet I cannot even open the freaking site :(.

Please be patience, I will fix it when everything is OK. again sorry for the problem.

BRO! It's totally cool!!! It''s totally fine! Life happens and it gets in the way. I'm just glad you did something like this in the first place! Do what you need to do. <3

thx :D

Thank you! :3

Still waiting for an android version

Its not happening, as I said I don't know android development and I'm busy with my life even i didn't update the app for so long.

whenever i download it and try and set it up in always says instillation aborted is there a way i can fix it

I don't know, maybe changing the installation path work


How can you import comic you've already downloaded?

Well if you have two different folders for download and you want to combine them, it's not possible right now. but it sounds like a good idea I will add it to the app

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