I didn't understand, if you mean you download the Installation File (.exe file), and when you click on it it in windows explorer it said it's been removed, well that is kind of impossible, :D, Maybe redownloading it from this site will fix the issue.
brah I said its a problem and I will fix it when I have time. why you redownload? :D Connection between app and site is broken, I have to fix it, which I am not sure even it is possible or not.
who said you have uninstalled the APP ? :/, On Other site (xlecx) some comics don't have any image they are just blank, I cannot do anything about it its the problem of the site not me :)
I am really sorry for what happened, But I cannot fix it right now, I change house and I don't have access to WiFi. It take some time to change my old phone to new house for WiFi, without it I don't have good connection to test the App, with my phone internet I cannot even open the freaking site :(.
Please be patience, I will fix it when everything is OK. again sorry for the problem.
BRO! It's totally cool!!! It''s totally fine! Life happens and it gets in the way. I'm just glad you did something like this in the first place! Do what you need to do. <3
Well if you have two different folders for download and you want to combine them, it's not possible right now. but it sounds like a good idea I will add it to the app
When using the browser to try and get to nHentai, it says "Server is unavailable at this Time.". I have tried both with and without VPN and neither works. I am on the latest update.
Sorry, but Look like nhentai.net is using human check I will try to fix it later. I can't right now cause I am working on another project and exams are started so I don't have enough time, Sorry.
we can work on this if you want, i loved your project and I'm a software developer as well leon.lacerda2015@gmail.com
I already have a algorithm that gets e-hentai, nhentai and hentai fox data lol
by the way, i don't know if you saw, but nhentai is trying to implement protection against ddos attacks, so your app might crash if they really implement that
That's a fantastic idea, but now I am working on another app after it is published, if you want I can message you again about X Comic Download and working together if it is ok with you?
Edit: about DDOS, my app does not send requests, it will load the URL page (ex. Page 1 of the site) HTML codes and export information from it, good point is I don't have to care about DDOS or ... but I cannot get used of sites that use AJAX
developer mode is already added, not in the setting :) you can enable it from setting.json in Document Folder/X Comic Downloader, and set developer_mode To true then restart the app.
you can go to settings, scroll down, there is a button called Check Update, press it, it will check if there is a newer version available or not, if it is available then some thing down mid of the screen will pop-up and you can press update there.
It stopped opening for me. So I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Now it opens, but it doesn't see the comics I downloaded before. I double checked the location and new comics are downloaded to the same spot but it still doesn't see the old downloads
well was the uninstalled version newer than the version you install next? if so its database problem try install the latest version if its not still working, that mean database crashed!
If want to fix crashed database send me Zip file from ComicsDB Folder in Download Location and maybe i can fix it
Ok, I think i see. So before I uninstalled I copied the Downloaded Comics folder, reinstalled then put the folder back. Looking at the ComicsDB items it shows all the info for the new comics that I downloaded but I didn't save the info for the old comics. So the program doesn't recognize the comics. Looks like I should of copied both folders.
The only thing I can think of is instead of having a data base folder is to include a file in each download with the info. But I think that would increase the size of the downloads quite a bit. Having 1 file to cover 100 comics sounds like a much better idea then having 99 extra files
Yes, Remember to Copy ComicsDB Folder because maybe it will crash cause old version make its own databases and new version want to convert that to the latest database version (structure), but the old version databases are empty and it will replace new version database with empty file, so remember to make backup from that folder and if newer version didn't work send me the database backup you maid.
The first says ''Startup->OpenBrowser->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'open_br_startup' of undefined''
Second: ''Startup->CheckUpdate->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'check_update' of undefined''
THird: ''Startup->CheckReleaseNote->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'rc' of undefined''
Fourth: ''Startup->SetLuanchSetting->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'theme' of undefined''
Fifth: ''Startup->CheckSettings->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'theme' of undefined''
Sixth: ''Startup->GetDirections->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'file_location' of undefined''
Last: ''Startup->GettingSettingFile->Err: SyntaxError: C:\Users\Mistress\Documents\X Comic Downloader/setting.json: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0''
After that, I get a white page with tabs on top, but nothing works. Will you tell me what I am doing wrong (if you can)?
sorry i was busy i didn't check sites. i will fix it.
Edit: I Check the app and it was work fine, Maybe you should change VPN or Update Your App, The latest version is 2.3.31 and you can update it in-app, Go to: Settings->CheckUpdate->PressUpdate Button
If you still have problem Tell me with more detail, Thx :)
Does this use my browser to find the comics? I'm not trying to get caught with anything on my history or anything, does this just uh, like virtual browser type thing?
nope its Completely Separate And its Completely Secure, sites maybe look like real site but i just make UI look like the real site, i thought it was a good idea, sooo no its not relate to browser at all!
that only shows a few of them, as far as I can see. ATM I am adding, and completing, downloads without them ever showing in the bottom right, because I already have 3 large DLs listed there (which are going *very* slowly - or are stuck). Even if the popup showed everything and worked well, a download page showing any errors in adding or downloading files (and what files were successful) seems like a no-brainer to me. I've never seen a downloader without a log before.
hey, so for me the app always crash when i install her, the first time it was normal but now that's always says the download (not the game, just when you open it for choose where to install it) say "the download was interrupt" and nothing after, and the first time i launch it i download some comic but i cannot open it are see a picture, any help please? otherwise i love this app and sorry for mistake i dont speak english all the time :) (and i already try to desactivate my software)
another idea for the next update, Add the ability to sort using multiple tags, and a tab system within your collection so you can have multiple comics open at once
For some reason, every comic related to xlecx and the site itself is giving me an error code: 521. I do not know why, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and the error persists, any advice?
Ohhhhh gotcha. I didn't know it was a site problem, so thank you for the update! Glad it wasn't something on my end, thank you for getting back to me :)
Hi Zogarth23, Thank you for your Ideas, and No they were not build in and i will add them some of the abilities you said I was build them (not complete) sooo i will complete them and add them to the app, Thank you again, have a nice they :)
thanks, but another issue i forgot to mention is there, but im noit sure if its in your power. in xlecx, when i try viewing a comic, the following error mesage pops up:"You don't have the permission to View this Page.".
reloading doesnt work. Is it possible to fix it?
Edit: Please dont feel offended i just want to report issues when possible, this is great work, application and all. I just dont want others to think its only semi-functional, eventhough its the first and best i've seen so far. Please keep up the good work!
Edit 2: the actual website just doesnt let guests see certain comicx, such like some comics i want to read. Its made as such by the website. Maybe there is a way to skip or bypass this like i once did on another website, by altering/deleting the login-requirement on my side, but otherwise idk how one would manage to skip it here. havent tried it either, aside from when i wanted to look at more plastic-string-projects i could do(, since i still have some of those).
Hi, Sorry that is out of my hand its for xlecx, the comic that said that error, for viewing it you should login in your xlecx account which i cannot do it in my app
Hello, when trying to install, it gives me the error "The installation couldn't finish" and freezes. The windows says "Install interrupted". How can I fix this issue? I downloaded it like 2/3 months ago and had to uninstall it.
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I'm having the issue of downloading it but as I go to install the exe it says it's been removed.
I didn't understand, if you mean you download the Installation File (.exe file), and when you click on it it in windows explorer it said it's been removed, well that is kind of impossible, :D, Maybe redownloading it from this site will fix the issue.
I can't find the have list, please help me
its not findable, its just for remembering that have another version of that comic so you don't download it again.
I see. thank you
It isn't entering NHentai
I know, I have some problem to solve after that I will fix it, sorry.
now the comics that I download are always coming with blank pages and when I select to download again it isn't working
brah I said its a problem and I will fix it when I have time. why you redownload? :D Connection between app and site is broken, I have to fix it, which I am not sure even it is possible or not.
No, I haven't unnistaled the app, I was downloading some comics in the other site but it was coming with blank pages
who said you have uninstalled the APP ? :/, On Other site (xlecx) some comics don't have any image they are just blank, I cannot do anything about it its the problem of the site not me :)
I need this on fuckin android bro plsss
as I said to you on Rule34 Browser I will try ;)
I have the issue "Server is unavailable at this Time", if i click nhentai browser, for any days. There are a solution to solve this. qwq
Try to open nhentai.net is browser after that open it in X Comic Downloader it may fix it, just maybe
It didn't work. :/
I'm having the same problem and that didn't work for me too! :(
I am really sorry for what happened, But I cannot fix it right now, I change house and I don't have access to WiFi. It take some time to change my old phone to new house for WiFi, without it I don't have good connection to test the App, with my phone internet I cannot even open the freaking site :(.
Please be patience, I will fix it when everything is OK. again sorry for the problem.
BRO! It's totally cool!!! It''s totally fine! Life happens and it gets in the way. I'm just glad you did something like this in the first place! Do what you need to do. <3
thx :D
Thank you! :3
Still waiting for an android version
Its not happening, as I said I don't know android development and I'm busy with my life even i didn't update the app for so long.
whenever i download it and try and set it up in always says instillation aborted is there a way i can fix it
I don't know, maybe changing the installation path work
How can you import comic you've already downloaded?
Well if you have two different folders for download and you want to combine them, it's not possible right now. but it sounds like a good idea I will add it to the app
not hentai but UI is REALLY cool
keep up the good work
thanks :)
When using the browser to try and get to nHentai, it says "Server is unavailable at this Time.". I have tried both with and without VPN and neither works. I am on the latest update.
Sorry, but Look like nhentai.net is using human check I will try to fix it later. I can't right now cause I am working on another project and exams are started so I don't have enough time, Sorry.
Good luck on your exams!
thanks :)
i might sound dumb but what does the "add to have" button d
nope you're good, I didn't write it very understandable.
Add To Have, mean you already downloaded this comic from another site or language so you don't want to download it again by mistake.
I developed a simular app using java and spring boot, but i run it on a browser, it's cool to see that someone had the same idea as I did lol
The world is smaller than I thought, XD
Pls add more sites and an android version btw love it
I will add more sites but about android version, I am sorry but I cannot make android version because I know nothing about android development. sorry.
we can work on this if you want, i loved your project and I'm a software developer as well
I already have a algorithm that gets e-hentai, nhentai and hentai fox data lol
by the way, i don't know if you saw, but nhentai is trying to implement protection against ddos attacks, so your app might crash if they really implement that
That's a fantastic idea, but now I am working on another app after it is published, if you want I can message you again about X Comic Download and working together if it is ok with you?
Edit: about DDOS, my app does not send requests, it will load the URL page (ex. Page 1 of the site) HTML codes and export information from it, good point is I don't have to care about DDOS or ... but I cannot get used of sites that use AJAX
can you add different browsers so you can look up sauce codes
developer mode is already added, not in the setting :) you can enable it from setting.json in Document Folder/X Comic Downloader, and set developer_mode To true then restart the app.
I Will add this ability to in-app settings.
Thank you for sharing your idea.
UpdateChecker (Setting): Your app is up to date, an error that I can't see the comics pic even in the folders.
Try Deleting Settings file in Document/X Comic Downloader and delete every thing that are in it, then run the app again
how can i update?
you can go to settings, scroll down, there is a button called Check Update, press it, it will check if there is a newer version available or not, if it is available then some thing down mid of the screen will pop-up and you can press update there.
it didn't work but thank you
It stopped opening for me. So I uninstalled and reinstalled it. Now it opens, but it doesn't see the comics I downloaded before. I double checked the location and new comics are downloaded to the same spot but it still doesn't see the old downloads
well was the uninstalled version newer than the version you install next? if so its database problem try install the latest version if its not still working, that mean database crashed!
If want to fix crashed database send me Zip file from ComicsDB Folder in Download Location and maybe i can fix it
Ok, I think i see. So before I uninstalled I copied the Downloaded Comics folder, reinstalled then put the folder back. Looking at the ComicsDB items it shows all the info for the new comics that I downloaded but I didn't save the info for the old comics. So the program doesn't recognize the comics. Looks like I should of copied both folders.
The only thing I can think of is instead of having a data base folder is to include a file in each download with the info. But I think that would increase the size of the downloads quite a bit. Having 1 file to cover 100 comics sounds like a much better idea then having 99 extra files
Yes, Remember to Copy ComicsDB Folder because maybe it will crash cause old version make its own databases and new version want to convert that to the latest database version (structure), but the old version databases are empty and it will replace new version database with empty file, so remember to make backup from that folder and if newer version didn't work send me the database backup you maid.
Have a Happy Life, Bye.
sorry but i don't know what is the problem, maybe try change installation location.
I Tried but it only says that it want to update an existing installation
that mean its already installed, so uninstall and install agai
Can u make it for Android
no, i know nothing about android development, sorry
After install, I get several messages,
The first says ''Startup->OpenBrowser->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'open_br_startup' of undefined''
Second: ''Startup->CheckUpdate->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'check_update' of undefined''
THird: ''Startup->CheckReleaseNote->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'rc' of undefined''
Fourth: ''Startup->SetLuanchSetting->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'theme' of undefined''
Fifth: ''Startup->CheckSettings->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'theme' of undefined''
Sixth: ''Startup->GetDirections->Err: TypeError: Cannot read property 'file_location' of undefined''
Last: ''Startup->GettingSettingFile->Err: SyntaxError: C:\Users\Mistress\Documents\X Comic Downloader/setting.json: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0''
After that, I get a white page with tabs on top, but nothing works. Will you tell me what I am doing wrong (if you can)?
I don't know what is the problem exactly, but i can say that your setting file and is crashed and i don't know why!
you can go to Document Folder/X Comic Downloader/ and delete every thing that in it maybe it will fix the issue
That worked, thank you! <3<3<3
your welcome :)
I don't know when, sorry i am doing my best to finish it as fast as i can
Use another VPN for example ProtonVPN or DewVPN both are free
Yes i will but now i am working on app named Rule34 Browser for rule34 fans
It was working normaly until today, but it just can't download nothing anymore. How do I fix it?
I Try it Right now and Both site was working Fine, Maybe Changing VPN will work i test it with DewVPN (Free VPN)and i think its better to say that both site Host are from USA -> California -> San Francisco, for better VPN Server Choose.
nhentai works perfectly in a browser, but no longer works in this app. Any word on a fix?
sorry i was busy i didn't check sites. i will fix it.
Edit: I Check the app and it was work fine, Maybe you should change VPN or Update Your App, The latest version is 2.3.31 and you can update it in-app, Go to: Settings->CheckUpdate->PressUpdate Button
If you still have problem Tell me with more detail, Thx :)
That latest patch seems to do the trick - thanks :)
Now I just have to go repair/redownload a bunch of comics :P
heheheh XD Have Fun.
Does this use my browser to find the comics? I'm not trying to get caught with anything on my history or anything, does this just uh, like virtual browser type thing?
nope its Completely Separate And its Completely Secure, sites maybe look like real site but i just make UI look like the real site, i thought it was a good idea, sooo no its not relate to browser at all!
Taking a shot in the dark here, would it be possible to make this function on mobile?
Sorry but i don't know how to develop Mobile App, sooo No, Sorry.
Was worth a shot. Have a good one my man, thanks for putting the fruits of your labour out here for the rest of us plebs to enjoy
Thx :)
still having trouble on xlecx and the other is blocked by my provider
mainly having trouble with most of the impreg
well i think using vpn or another vpn will fix it
household wont allow them
Will there be any mac versions?
i will try my best to make Mac and Linux version for next version
ahh sorry its cancel, I am really Sorry.
For building app for Linux or Mac I should have Linux or Mac which I don't, soooo its cancel, sorry :(
But if you really want it and have a Mac or Linux you can build it yourself and it have build in update
Donwload Codes From: https://github.com/RealLowMaster/X-Comic-Downloader-Project and it have tutorial of how to build the app under the page
Alright thanks anyway ill probably make one if i have the chance
your welcome
It'd be nice to be able to view the current queued downloads, to restart/cancel any which get stuck
you can, when you have things downloading, a little blue downloads button appears in the bottom right hand corner of the screen
that only shows a few of them, as far as I can see. ATM I am adding, and completing, downloads without them ever showing in the bottom right, because I already have 3 large DLs listed there (which are going *very* slowly - or are stuck).
Even if the popup showed everything and worked well, a download page showing any errors in adding or downloading files (and what files were successful) seems like a no-brainer to me. I've never seen a downloader without a log before.
you could just come and say Add a Download Log easy as that,
i will add it
Is there gonna be an android version?
sorry but no, idk anything about android development
Ah alright
hey, so for me the app always crash when i install her, the first time it was normal but now that's always says the download (not the game, just when you open it for choose where to install it) say "the download was interrupt" and nothing after, and the first time i launch it i download some comic but i cannot open it are see a picture, any help please? otherwise i love this app and sorry for mistake i dont speak english all the time :) (and i already try to desactivate my software)
hi dear King_Berserker thanks for comment.
I don't know what is the problem but i will try to fix it in next version
ok thx you :)
another idea for the next update, Add the ability to sort using multiple tags, and a tab system within your collection so you can have multiple comics open at once
Ok, thanks for ideas i will try my best to add it
It will not let me download 2.20 it says that it was not completed succesfully
Please tell me the comic name and site, and if its from nhentai tell me the language
The actual downloader
yeah, ok then what is the name of the comic you try to download and the downloader give you this error
I know its the actual downloader
It is not a comic, I cannot download the app
it maybe be problem with IPs, Try to download it manually from the site
For some reason, every comic related to xlecx and the site itself is giving me an error code: 521. I do not know why, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and the error persists, any advice?
Xlecx was down
well yeah i cannot do anything about it is what it is :), the xlecx real-site is on maintain and ahh well its site problem :)
Ohhhhh gotcha. I didn't know it was a site problem, so thank you for the update! Glad it wasn't something on my end, thank you for getting back to me :)
happy that you are happ
theres no way to see comics that ive selected to have, ive "have"ed multiple comics and i dont see any sort of tab or button
The Usage Of Add To Have is Only for remembering that you already downloaded the comic in different language or site or ....
Oh ok, it makes it seem like its a favorite button, and honestly there should be one.
yeah, I will add a System like bookmark to app later
thank you :)
Here is my Github Link: https://github.com/RealLowMaster/X-Comic-Downloader-Project
But this project made by Nodejs/Electronjs and you can find source code in (InstallDirection/resources/app)
And by the way if you have any Idea that want me to Add in App Please Leave a Comment :)
just a few Ideas i have had while using this
1. add an ability to sort by tag/author/series/character while in your personal gallery
2. when in a comic slider add the ability to scroll pages with the arrow keys instead of just the A and D keys or the mouse wheel
3. add an option to sort everything alphabetically instead of just by the order in which they were downloaded
its entirely possible that these things already exist and i just havent found the right settings for that yet
but otherwise this thing is great and i love it
Hi Zogarth23, Thank you for your Ideas, and No they were not build in and i will add them some of the abilities you said I was build them (not complete) sooo i will complete them and add them to the app,
Thank you again, have a nice they :)
update: for those who still have v2.0.0: xlecx page system wont work, so im getting the newest version here now (v2.0.71)
Edit: same issue with v2.0.71
i want to go to the next page on xlecx and it just keeps me on page 1;
if i want to go to a certain catagory, in my case furry, i get an error message "Page not found".
Thanks for telling this issue
I will Try my best to fix it in next update.
Its Been Fix in version 2.1.2
thanks, but another issue i forgot to mention is there, but im noit sure if its in your power. in xlecx, when i try viewing a comic, the following error mesage pops up:"You don't have the permission to View this Page.".
reloading doesnt work. Is it possible to fix it?
Edit: Please dont feel offended i just want to report issues when possible, this is great work, application and all. I just dont want others to think its only semi-functional, eventhough its the first and best i've seen so far. Please keep up the good work!
Edit 2: the actual website just doesnt let guests see certain comicx, such like some comics i want to read. Its made as such by the website. Maybe there is a way to skip or bypass this like i once did on another website, by altering/deleting the login-requirement on my side, but otherwise idk how one would manage to skip it here. havent tried it either, aside from when i wanted to look at more plastic-string-projects i could do(, since i still have some of those).
Hi, Sorry that is out of my hand its for xlecx, the comic that said that error, for viewing it you should login in your xlecx account which i cannot do it in my app
Hello, when trying to install, it gives me the error "The installation couldn't finish" and freezes. The windows says "Install interrupted". How can I fix this issue? I downloaded it like 2/3 months ago and had to uninstall it.
Hi, The Only Things That I can Tell you is:
Otherwise I don't know what is the problem, I am so sorry